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Crossword Generator

Welcome to the ESL Crossword Generator. This program will help you create online or paper versions of crossword puzzles using words you type in.

Step 1: Grid Size

Set the number of rows and columns in the crossword puzzle. The default row and column settings have been filled in for you. You should choose the number of columns and rows based on the longest word in your word list (entered in Step 2).

Please note: the Crossword Puzzle Generator works best when the grid is square (i.e. same number of rows and columns). Also, if you set the rows or columns to more than 20, you may have trouble getting the puzzle to print on one page for print versions.

Number of Columns:
Number of Rows:


If you notice any problems using the Crossword Generator, or would like us to make any changes, please use the "Contact Us" link at the left to send us feedback. Thank you.

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